Stephanie Richardson

Professional Teaching Portfolio

Five-Day Lesson Plan Science Second-Grade

Section 1: Lesson Preparation

Teacher Candidate Name: Stephanie Richardson October 20, 2021,

Grade Level: Second Grade

Unit/Subject: Science

Title of Unit and Brief Summary: Each day will revolve around science in the lesson plan, but the first day is about reading literacy and using history to connect Leonardo Da Vinci to science. The second day will focus on writing and the importance of answering a question from resources presented in class. The third lesson is an art lesson, a science inquiry lesson, and a reading to understand scientists. Day four of the lesson is on science and the importance of scientific investigations. The last lesson is a social study about people in the community and their contributions.

Classroom and Student Factors/Grouping: A few students have I.E.P.'s, one student has a 504 plan, and a couple is above grade level.

National Standards and State Standards: Standards in the Core Reading Literature and reading informational text. RL.2.1 Ask and answer who, where, what, when, why, and how. RL.2.7 Using information from available resources to gain information about a person. RI.2.3 Make connections between historical events, scientific events, and concepts in a text. 

Day two. 2.7 Participate in a writing project after researching a person with their classmates. W.2.8. Recall information from available resources to answer a question.

Day three: "Standard 2.V.CO.1: Create works of art about events in home, school, or community life. Utah Education Network 2019." RI.2.1 Using questions to understand details in a text.

Day Four: The standard for science in second is as follows Science second-grade Standard two objective three. Students will be learning about the different scientist's jobs. The standard for science: Science second-grade Standard two accurate three. The students will explore science careers and understand that a meteorologist is a scientist. Writing W.2.1 Write "an opinion piece in which they introduce the topic or book they are writing about, state an opinion, supply reasons that support their view Common Core Standard, 2021.

Day Five: "Social Studies Standard one objective two students will get to know their community and the different helpers within the community. Science second-grade Standard two accurate three. The students will be learning about the other scientist's jobs.

Learning Objectives and Targets day one: The Students will connect the history of Leonardo Da Vinci to science through research using technology.

Academic Language Day One: Journals, History,  and Inventions.

Materials Day One: Journals, Pencils, Chromebooks, Whiteboard, and  PowerPoint Presentation.

Depth of Knowledge Lesson Questions Day One: Who is Leonardo Da Vinci? Name some things he was known? Why was Leonardo Da Vinci important to the science world?

Instructional Planning

Anticipatory Set How will students' prior knowledge be activated and gain student interest in the upcoming content? Day One: Read a book By Author Laurence Anholt Called Leonardo and the flying boy.

 Presentation of the content

Multiple Means of Representation Describe how content will be presented in various ways to meet the needs of different learners. For example, on day one, each student will listen to the teacher read a book and show a personal journal. Then, use a PowerPoint and offer the students Da Vinci's journals.

Multiple Means of Representation Differentiation. Day One: During this lesson for the class, it will include visuals showing Da Vinci's work. Visuals in this lesson will help all students, especially the English language learners and the students with special needs. The students with high abilities and the early finishers add links in Google classroom that shows Da Vinci's work that they can research.

Application of the content

Multiple Means of Engagement How will students explore, practice, and apply the content? Day One: Students will talk at their table and use their journals to answer the three questions of the lesson.

Multiple Means of Engagement Differentiation Explain how materials will be differentiated for each of the following groups: • English Language Learners (E.L.L.) • Students with special needs • Students with gifted abilities • Early finishers (those who finish early and may need additional sources/support) Day One: The class will use the cooperative learning strategy. Students will answer the question one at a time and write in journals. Having the students work with their table helps them learn to work together. The English language will work with their tablemate answering the three questions. Cooperative learning will help the special needs students because they can add their ideas and thoughts. The early finishers and students with gifted abilities can help the students answer the question through researching the information through the Google classroom.

Assessment Content

Multiple Means of Expression Formative and summative assessments monitor student progress and modify instruction.

Day One:  A Informal assessment a teacher can use during the lesson to ensure that students understand the task using hand gestures. For example, thumb up if the student understands or thumb down for not understanding.

Multiple Means of Expression Differentiation Explain how materials will be differentiated for each of the following groups: • English Language Learners (E.L.L.) • Students with special needs • Students with gifted abilities • Early finishers (those who finish early and may need additional resources/support). Day One: English language learners will draw pictures in their writing journals. Students with special needs can draw a picture. The students with a gifted ability have them write down three lines of a discovery they found about Da Vinci. Early finishers can write three facts about Da Vinci in their journals.


Day One: The students can list three inventions of Leonardo Da Vinci. Having the students lists three inventions of Da Vinci will help them understand his history using resources.

National/State Learning Standards. Day Two: W.2.7 Participate in a writing project after researching a person with their classmates. W.2.8. Recall information from available resources to answer a question.

Specific Learning Target(s)/Objectives: Day Two: Students will write a paragraph about Da Vinic and connect him to science.

Academic Language. Day Two: Scientist, Inventor, Painter, Architect, and Mathematician.

Unit Resources, Materials, Equipment, and Technology. Day Two: Journals, Pencils, Whiteboard,  PowerPoint Presentation, and Treemap Graphic Organizer.

Depth of Knowledge Lesson Questions. Day Two: Ask the students what they know about journal writing? Think about some things that Da Vinci invented? Ask the students about what some of his inventions did?

Instructional Planning

Anticipatory Set. Day Two: Reshow the PowerPoint Presentation. Show a picture of one of his inventions and ask the students if they know the item and describe it.

Presentation of the Content

Multiple Means of Representation. Day Two: Use Visuals of da Vinci's Inventions. The teacher will use the think-aloud strategy when discussing the inventions. The teacher can show a picture of Leonardo da Vinci's designs and a picture of the item used in the modern-day. For example, look at pictures of scuba gear and have the students see if they can make the connection.

Multiple Means of Representation Differentiation. Day Two: Visuals help all of the students connect with the lesson. For example, a think-aloud helps the children connect Leonardo da Vinci's inventions to modern-day items. Having visuals for English language learners and special needs helps them connect to the subject. In addition, having the early finishers and gifted students share what they learned through their research builds confidence.

Application of the Content

Multiple Means of Engagement. Day Two: The students will work with their table and fill out the treemap graphic organizer in this lesson.

Multiple Means of Engagement Differentiation. Day Two: English language learners will draw one of da Vinci's inventions and write a sentence describing the invention. Then, with their tablemates, the students will write a paragraph on one of the items they researched. Special needs students will draw a picture of his invention. Then, write a sentence explaining the design. Early finishers and the gifted will write a quick write paragraph. Also, they will write one section with a table about an item that they researched.

Assessment Content

Multiple Means of Expression: Day Two: The teacher will walk around the room to see if the students understand Leonardo da Vinci's significant contributions as scientists, artists, doctors, and inventors.

Multiple Means of Expression Differentiation. Day Two: In a formal assessment, the teacher will use the students writing journals. English language learners' grade comes from their writing journals; this includes the drawing and the sentence. Special needs students' grades will come from their writing journals, including the picture and the sentence. Early finishers' grades will come from their quick write paragraph and journal. Gifted students' grades will come from their short writing paragraphs and writing journals.


Day Two: Homework assignments draw a picture of de Vinci's inventions.






Five-Day Lesson Plan Continued

Day Three

National/State Learning Standards. Standard 2.V.CO.1: Create works of art about events in home, school, or community life. Utah Education Network 2019." RI.2.1 Using questions to understand details in a text. The standard for science: Science second-grade Standard two objective three. Students will be learning about the different scientist's jobs.

Specific Learning Target(s)/Objectives: Pupils will make works of art about events from history, community, and school. Pupils will be able to use questions to answer details from a text. Students will know about scientists and who is a scientist.

Academic Language: Scientists,  Careers, and Investigations.

Unit Resources, Materials, Equipment, and Technology: Whiteboard, K.W.L. Chart, Leonardo de Vinci PowerPoint. Construction, Paper, Glue, Pictures of Scientists,  and their careers. Their Reading Journals and Pencils.

Depth of Knowledge Lesson Questions: Who is a scientist? Do scientists go to school? Does scientist use observations notes?

Instructional Planning

Anticipatory Set: PowerPoint Presentation of de Vinci. Show different pictures of scientists. Ask students questions about scientists.

Presentation of the Content

Multiple Means of Representation: Use a K. W. L Chart. Show the PowerPoint Presentation. Read the book What is a Scientist by Barbara Lahn. Pictures of Scientists.

Multiple Means of Representation Differentiation: Pupils with special needs make connections to a subject through visuals. English language learners make better connections with visuals. Using a K.W.L. Chart gives the gifted students the chance to show what they know, and it helps children who are early finishers to demonstrate their knowledge of scientists.

Application of Content

Multiple Means of Engagement: Review the de Vinci PowerPoint Presentation. Ask the students what they remember about de Vinci. Show pictures of scientists and fill out the K.W.L. Chart. Demonstrate the four corner strategy for vocabulary words.

Multiple Means of Engagement Differentiation: The students will do an art activity and create a collage of scientist and their careers. All students will use the four corners strategy for the vocabulary words. Next, students will turn and talk to their partners about a scientist at the rug. Then, the class will work together to do the K.W.L. Chart. Finally, the students will make a scientist graphic organizer and glue specific words into columns about scientists. For example, one column has the term can do, and complete. The English Language learners will use their journals to write one sentence they know about a scientist and draw a picture. Pupils that struggle will write one sentence about a scientist and draw a picture. Gifted pupils will quickly write about what they want to know about a scientist. Pupils who finish early can report information about a scientist and write a question about what they want to know.

Assessment of Content

Multiple Means of Expression: A formal assessment will include their collage and their scientists' treemap done as a group.

Multiple Means of Expression Differentiation: Informal assessment for the English language learners will be their writing journals and the same for the lower students or the special needs children. An informal assessment for the gifted pupils and early finishers will be their short writing. In addition, all students will play a Kahoot quiz about a scientist.


Homework assignment includes the students using their links into Google classroom, showing their parents pictures, and explaining to them. Using this activity helps students understand the importance of being a scientist.

Day Four

National/State Learning Standards: The standard for science: Science second-grade Standard two objective three. The students will explore science careers and understand that a meteorologist is a scientist. Writing W.2.1 Write "an opinion piece in which they introduce the topic or book they are writing about, state an opinion, supply reasons that support their opinion Common Core Standard, 2021."

Specific Learning Target(s)/Objectives: Pupils will express an interest in a science career, write one fact, and explain why it interests them.

Academic Language: Scientist, and Career.

Unit Resources, Materials, Equipment, and Technology: Science job paper with sentence frames. PowerPoint Presentation of science fields and a PowerPoint presentation of the scientist's job. Smartboard and the computer.

Depth of Knowledge Lesson Questions: Ask the students what they remember about de Vinci. The importance of scientists. Ask pupils to name some items they think scientists use. Ask the class how many years of school a scientist attends.

Instructional Planning

Anticipatory Set: Show the PowerPoint slide of the different science field careers and ask the students to name the profession. 

Presentation of Content

Multiple Means of Representation: Visuals PowerPoint showing the science fields The PowerPoint presentation will show the different jobs involved in science.

Multiple Means of Representation Differentiation: All students will watch the PowerPoint presentation in this lesson.

Application of Content

Multiple Means of Engagement: Ask the students what they think scientists do? What jobs involve science?  

Multiple Means of Engagement Differentiation: All students will be involved in the PowerPoint Presentation showing the different jobs, including scientists. Early finishers will research another science job that interests them and why it interests them. The gifted students will find another science job they like and write what interests them about the job. The ELLS will draw a picture of their scientific career, and the special needs students will also draw a picture. Show the PowerPoint presentation of the science fields and explain the different areas of science to the students. The students will get a card showing the various cards and, as a group, go to a corner to discuss the field. Then, all students will go to their desks to write about an area they like after debating in the corner of a specific field.

Assessment of Content

Multiple Means of Expression: Informal assessment: The teacher will go to each corner and discuss the science field career on the card with the groups. A graded assessment will be the science job paper.

Multiple Means of Expression Differentiation: Special needs will turn in their science job papers. The E.L.L.'s will turn in their writings about the science job they chose. Early finishers will turn in their reports, and then they can research the career further. Finally, gifted students will turn in their papers and choose another science career.


Day Five

National/State Learning Standards: Social Studies Standard one objective two students will get to know their community and the different helpers within the community. Science second-grade Standard two accurate three. The students will be learning about the other scientist's jobs.

Specific Learning Target(s)/Objectives: The students will recognize scientists within their community and write them a thank you note.

Academic Language: Community

Unit Resources, Materials, Equipment, and Technology: Community map. Smartboard.

Depth of Knowledge Lesson Questions: Ask them about taking their animal to a doctor. Ask about their health doctor. Describe a dentist's job or what they know about the dentist.

Instructional Planning

Anticipatory Set: Show them pictures of a dentist, a doctor, a veterinarian, and a community map.

Presentation of Content

Multiple Means of Representation: PowerPoint Presentation. Each student will look at pictures of the science careers in the community.

Multiple Means of Representation Differentiation: Gifted students can describe a science career to the class. Early finishers have them choose a science career and explain what they know. E.L.L.'s will look at the different pictures and listen to the students talking about a science career. Special needs will use the visuals to help them understand science careers.

Application of Content

Multiple Means of Engagement: Review with the students how to write a letter. Ask students if they know of a person who works in a science career and turn to a partner to discuss ideas. Discuss the community map and find a doctor's office or a vet clinic.

Multiple Means of Engagement Differentiation: E.L.L.'s will work with a partner to write their letter. Have an early finisher help a special needs student with their letter. Gifted students will write the letter, and the early finishers will help other students with their notes.

Assessment of Content

Multiple Means of Expression: A formal assessment will be their letter. Informal assessment includes playing Kahoot.

Multiple Means of Expression Differentiation: All the groups will write a letter.



Reflection and Refernces

Reflection About the Lesson Plan

This reflection discusses instructional strategies used throughout a unit plan and why the future educator chooses each strategy. In addition, the reflection discusses strategies to help all students access the materials. This reflection also includes that feedback from a mentor teacher helped make this lesson plan and how the future educator feels about using cross-curricular teaching to engage the students in the lessons. Also, this reflection will explain why cross-curricular teaching can help the students make connections to the subject areas.

Explanation of Using Different Instructional Strategies.

Throughout this unit, this future educator used different strategies for engaging students in the lesson and strategies that will help all students access the same curriculum. The first strategy that this future educator used for having the students access the lesson was using visuals during whole group instruction so that all students could get an understanding of each lesson. According to Shabiralyani, Hasan, Hamad, and Iqbal (2015), visuals help students understand the lesson, make connections, and make the lesson easier to follow. The following instructional strategy that helped the students access the curriculum included reading a book to access students' background knowledge. Finally, the last strategy used to help students access the curriculum was working in groups. When students work in groups, it helps them learn the skill of listening to different students' thoughts about the subject, and each student can express their thoughts (Best, 2020). In addition, to using strategies to access the curriculum, this future educator used strategies that differentiated the lesson for every learner in the class. The first strategy for differentiation had a PowerPoint presentation throughout the lesson plan. Using PowerPoint presentations gives students specific visuals and provides the educator with a different way to present the lesson materials. Another strategy that the teacher used to help with the materials' differentiation was the students' research information about the lesson taught daily. The student's research connects them to their personal lives (Powerful Learning, 2020). Differentiating strategies give the students the chance to show what they know.

Reflecting About the Unit Plan and Promoting Positive Outcomes for the Students.

The future educator was thinking of different ways to promote a good learning experience for the students. This future educator knows that having different ways to engage the students in a lesson requires more hands-on activities. However, this lesson plan had some, but the teacher needed to have more to make the unit more fun. Also, the educator needed to make modifications to the lesson to help all learners, and for this future educator, she struggles with that element of lesson planning. The hope for this future educator in making better modifications to the lesson includes reflecting daily on ways to improve the lesson and make it more engaging for the students. This future educator knows that asking the veteran teachers questions will help them learn how to modify the lessons. So, in this future educator's mind, she can improve and focus on promoting positive outcomes for the students.

Mentor Feedback in Planning this Unit

Finally, this future educator used the mentor teacher's feedback on this unit because the unit needed to have explicit instruction throughout the lesson. So, this future educator did use explicit instruction, and she used technology daily to help the students understand the unit. This future teacher also spent lots of time building background with the students. Also, this future educator listened to the mentor teacher about having the students choose different ways to present their knowledge about the lesson. So, this future educator tried to implement that into the unit but found she needed to work on that skill.


Best, J. (2020). 20 Student engagement strategies for a captivating classroom. Retrieved from classroom/

Common Core Standards (2021). The standards. Retrieved from

Powerful Learning (2020). Differentiation for all learners: 7 Strategies to differentiate instruction and assessment in the classroom. Retrieved from instruction-and-assessment-in-the-classroom/

Shabiralyani, G., Hasan, K. S., Hamad, N. and Iqbal, N. (2015). Impact of Visual Aids in Enhancing the Learning Process Case Research. Journal of Education and Practice. Retrieved from

Utah Education Network (2019). Utah core standards and fine arts standards. Retrieved from